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How quickly will your Sit-Stand.Com solution pay for itself?
Costs associated with sit-stand solutions are often cited as a barrier to purchase. But the reality is they are an excellent economic investment. The same goes for using multiple displays while you work. Studies show productivity increases. when working in an ergonomic space and/or using multiple displays.
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Sit-Stand Increases Productivity
A Washington State analysis of case studies related to office sit-stand solutions showed the median productivity increase following an ergonomic intervention was 12%. Other studies suggest that employees who are provided with well-designed sit-stand furniture and are trained to use it, see an average 18% increase in productivity.
Dual Monitors
Multiple Monitors Increase Productivity
Using dual monitors instead of one eliminates toggling between documents, decreasing the time it takes to complete tasks. Studies show an average productivity increase of 20% when using dual monitors. Depending on the task, environment and configuration, productivity increases can range between 5% and 100%.
Cost of Equipment per Workstation
Default value for ergonomic equipment = WorkFit-S Workstation (£399 MSRP); or cost could = chair (£500) + height-adjustable mount(s) for display(s) and keyboard/mouse (£300). Many other options are available. Your equipment costs will vary depending on adjustment requirements, employees' personal physical needs and computer equipment that is deployed. Also add price of a second monitor if being purchased.

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