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Special Offers

  1. All our Special Offers are listed on this page, have a limited expiry and may be removed without notice.
  2. Only ONE Voucher Code is valid with each order. It is only possible to use ONE voucher code with each order.
  3. If a voucher code is applied to your order, the order will automatically be exempt from Free Trial. Your statutory rights are not affected and you will still be able to return the product within 15 days, and refunded if in the original packaging and in a saleable condition.
  4. A voucher code may be used in addition to an automated offers e.g. 30% off Monitor Arms if purchased with a desk.
  5. All Special Offers are subject to the item being available upon purchase.
  6. All Special Offers must be paid for in full or by Pro Forma invoice before dispatch.
  7. Special Offer products may only be returned in the unlikely event there is a product fault. If there is any imperfection or fault with the Special Offer product, you must notify us within 24 hours of receipt, otherwise it will be deemed to have arrived in perfect condition.
  8. We are not able to provide any discounts or offers with purchases of Varidesk or Ergotron.