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How to Stay Young? BBC TV features Yo-Yo Desk®

Using a Yo-Yo Desk® from Sit-Stand.Com helped ex-policeman shed 13 YEARS off his body age in BBC’s How to Stay Young experiment.

One of the biggest take-aways from last week’s How to Stay Young (BBC1, episode 3, 27/9/2017) was the importance of keeping moving throughout your working day. The benefits of using a Yo-Yo Desk® from Sit-Stand.Com were clear. As presenter Dr Chris van Tulleken said: “If you want to stay young, sitting less and standing more is one of the easiest things you can do.”

He introduced obese ex-policeman Rich Jones to the Yo-Yo-Desk 90®, encouraged him to use it in 20-minute blocks throughout the working day, and saw him lose 11 KILOS in body fat, drop 13 YEARS off his body age, and increase his activity levels from 53 to 338 minutes a day.

“This national epidemic of sitting down is literally killing us,” Dr Chris explained. “In standing up you have to make little adjustments to your body the whole time, your bones are bearing weight and it’s stressing your body in a very positive way.”

Using the Yo-Yo Desk® from Sit-Stand.Com, Guinea pig Chris increased his calorie burn by 120 per day or 30,000 calories a year: the equivalent of running 10 marathons.

But it’s not all about the calorie burn. A major benefit of using a standing desk and alternating between sitting and standing during your working day is that standing up activates muscles in your legs, back and feet. It improves your core strength, boosts energy, motivation and creativity, and that improves your mental health too. It reduces your blood pressure and your risks of cardiovascular disease, diabetes and certain cancers. Proof that the Yo-Yo Desk is an instant way to reduce the ageing effects of sitting all day long.

Rik Mistry, Head of Business at Sit-Stand.Com confirmed: “Mixing up your working day by spending time both sitting and standing is the easiest and best way to see almost instant improvements in your health. We are delighted that Rich on How to Stay Young experienced stunning results by using our Yo-Yo Desk® and that it enabled him to boost activity in other areas of his life too.

“It costs just £249 to get hold of our entry-level Yo-Yo Desk MINI® : a small investment in your health that has big benefits for your quality of life and the health of the nation. It’s no wonder that sit-stand desks are recommended by medical professionals including Public Health England.”